Flash Esp8266 Mac Hacker

Introduction: How to Flash or Program ESP8266 AT Firmware by Using ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer, IOT Wifi Module

Jun 14, 2019  Lalu ektrak dan buka aplikasi ESP Flash Download Tool. Praktek Konfigurasi Aplikasi ESP8266 Flash Tolls. Setelah Aplikasi tersebuka, selanjutnya setting ESP Flash Download Tool sesuai gambar dibawah ini. Sesuaikan direktori file Download Patch Config pada folder Firmware ESP8266 yang sudah di ekstrak tadi. The size of the file will determine the length of flash area that will be erased. Erase ESP8266 flash memory. To erase a 1MB range with this blank1M.bin file, just download the file and set it for uploading to wherever you want it to be written. In this case, I want 0x000000 to 0x100000 to be erased, so here is what I put into the Flash. Dec 13, 2018  Fastest way to Flash and Configure ESP8266 Based Sonoff Devices with Tasmota or other firmware - Duration: 14:47. Vicious Computers 117,334 views.


This Module is an USB adapter /programmer for ESP8266 modules of type ESP-01 or ESP-01S. It is conveniently fitted with a 2x4P 2.54mm female header to plug the ESP01. Also it breaks out all the pins of the ESP-01 via a 2x4P 2.54mm male header, so it is very convenient for user to debug the ESP8266.

The module is based on the USB-UART CP2104 which is compatible with all platforms. Onboard with the ESP8266 automatic download circuit. It is very convenient for users to download ESP-01/01S program, upgrade firmware, serial debugging and so on. It supports lots of software such as Arduino IDE, ESP8266 Flasher and Lexin FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS .


  • USB Type A interface.
  • One 2x4P 2.54mm female header
  • One 2x4P 2.54mm male header
  • Operating Volatge: 3.3V

Step 1: List of Material

The attached photo shows the component needed In this tutorial:

  1. ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer
  2. ESP8266 Wifi Serial Transceiver Module
  3. Jumper wire.

Step 2: Hardware Installation

The photo above shows the connection between ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer and ESP8266 Wifi Serial Transceiver Module by using jumper wire.

Step 3: Download File

Download Driver for ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer

Download firmware inside the ESP8266 Flash Tool folder.

And Install the driver.


Step 4: Firmware Installation

Window ( AT Firmware)

  1. After Download Firmware Flasher file. Extract it. Enter the folder, go to install_firmware > window.
  2. Open ESP_DOWNLOAD_TOOL_V2.4.exe.
  3. Choose the COM port ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer + ESP8266 Wifi Serial Transceiver module connecting to. Set the BAUDRATE to 115200.

  4. Make sure ESP8266 Wifi Serial Transceiver module is in FLASH mode (Refer Step 2 first photo for hardware configuration)

  5. Click START to install the firmware.

  • binboot_v1.2.bin 0x00000
  • binuser1.4096.new.4.bin 0x01000
  • binblank.bin 0x7e000
  • binuser2.4096.new.4.bin 0x81000
  • binesp_init_data_default.bin 0x3fc000
  • binblank.bin 0x3fe000

Step 5: AT Command in Arduino

  1. Disconnect jumper wire from ESP8266 Flasher and Programmer (Refer step 2 second photo)
  2. Open your Arduino then click serial monitor.
  3. Press button Reset for make sure esp8266 is connected at serial monitor.
  4. Please follow the correct serial monitor configuration (Refer the photo above)
  5. Then write AT and send it, it will reply ok
  6. For more detail about AT Command, click this link for more information about AT Command

To change baudrate using AT Command:

Flash esp8266 mac hacker free

AT+ UART_DEF=19200,8,1,0,0

For example 9600 baudrate / 8 data bits / 1 stop bits and none parity and flow control AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0

the command AT+CIOBAUD=9600 it would change the baudrate temporarily

Step 6: Let's Get Start !

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This tutorial explains how to get mac address of ESP8266? All esp8266 comes with unique address which is factory programmed. A MAC address is given to a network adapter when it is manufactured. It is hardwired or hard-coded onto your network interface card (NIC) or chip and is unique to it. Something called the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) translates an IP address into a MAC address.

For this reason, the MAC address is sometimes referred to as a networking hardware address, the burned-in address (BIA), or the physical address. Here’s an example of a MAC address for an Ethernet NIC: 00:0a:95:9d:68:16.

In ESP8266 you can get the MAC address using simple command


Example Program to read mac address of ESP8266

ESP8266 MAC Address